The Faces of the Military
Military vehicles are feats of engineering. From heavily armored tanks to recognizable designs, history has no shortage of incredible machines that left their mark on the battlefield. Let’s dive into 20 of the most impressive ones.
1. Willys MD
This truck doesn’t look like much on the surface—at first glance, it boasts your typical Jeep fare without all the bells and whistles of armored artillery vehicles. But Willys trucks became the face of military machinery and paved the way for today’s modern Jeep. It underwent several facelifts between the 1950s and ‘70s, but that versatile simplicity is exactly what made it so iconic.
You know a truck is cool when the U.S. military has nearly 20 useable variations. Colloquially known as the Humvee, this popular military vehicle has been around since the ‘80s. Despite their bulky size, these trucks can cruise up to 70 mp/h, and modern variations withstand blows from armor-piercing projectiles and mines. They also easily handle off-road terrain and carry some pretty hefty payloads (up to 6,500 pounds).
Tobias Nordhausen from Sondershausen, Deutschland on Wikimedia
3. M270 MLRS
When you think devastating power, you might think about the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System. It initially rolled out in the ‘70s, impressive enough already with its firepower and shoot-and-scoot tactics, but several upgrades saw improved range and precision strike missiles.
4. M3 Half-Track
Mainly used during WWII and the Cold War, the M3 Half-Track has seen plenty of action in its life. This truck had dozens of models produced for different jobs—its initial purpose was an armored personnel carrier but some variants soon entered the battlefield as anti-aircraft machinery.
5. Vespa 150 TAP
It seems weird to include a literal Vespa amid such military vehicles, but the 150 TAP held its own in combat. This lightweight scooter was parachute-dropped in pairs as an anti-tank device; the weapon itself sat on one while the ammunition sat on the other. It wasn’t exactly meant for in-seat firing but that didn’t make it any less efficient.
6. Crusader III
Say hello to the Crusader III—a WWII British cruiser tank and the first to mount the 57 mm 6-pounder. Not only did it boast an impressive look, but its variants, AA Mk I to AA Mk II, included weaponry upgrades like open-top turrets and anti-aircraft firepower.
Alan Wilson from Stilton, Peterborough, Cambs, UK on Wikimedia
7. Sportsman MV850
It’s Polaris’ smallest military vehicle, an all-wheel drive two-seater capable of cutting through harsh terrain and carrying hundreds of pounds. It might not be the biggest or have state-of-the-art weaponry, but it’s an effective ATV capable of far more than meets the eye.
8. Renault FT
When France first rolled these out in 1918, it didn’t make an immediate impression. They appeared to be nothing more than a dinky two-seater tank with a rotating turret. However, historians have dubbed this “the first modern tank,” and after WWI these little guys became the go-to military vehicle for at least a dozen countries until they were rendered obsolete.
9. Stryker
A lot can happen in 80 years and the Stryker serves as a perfect testament to military upgrades. Weaponry aside, this bad boy seamlessly shifts from four-wheel to eight-wheel drive, can carry up to nine men, and its upgrades protect against the devastation of IEDs.
Dfutrell at English Wikipedia on Wikimedia
10. M4 Sherman
The M4 Sherman was most widely used in WWII, a highly sought-after medium tank best known for its reliability, solid armor, and practical speed. Though it went through several upgrades in its time, the M4 didn’t have much to improve on the M3 besides firepower (particularly aiming) and some mobility issues. It also redefined tanks on the whole by becoming the poster boy for quick maintenance and easier production.
11. Harley-Davidson WLA
Vespas weren’t the only mini mighty machine—Harley-Davidsons were primarily used by the U.S. Army for courier missions and scouting, though the Germans preferred sidecar add-ons for the battlefield. Whether running messages or aiding troops, this iconic motorcycle played an important part in WWII.
Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Wehrtechnischen Studiensammlung Koblenz e. V. on Wikimedia
12. Volvo TP21
You might not associate Volvos with the military, but this incredible vehicle was Sweden’s answer to America’s Jeep. Complete with 90 horsepower and a 3.67-liter flathead inline-six, this unassuming truck looked and felt practically indestructible. While they’re mainly used for training vehicles now, that doesn’t negate its impressive history.
13. AEV 3 Kodiak
What can’t this Leopard 2 main battle tank do? Part dozer, part digger, part mine breakthrough system, this incredible piece of machinery handles all kinds of missions. Its size and numerous abilities don’t slow it down either, making it an ideal choice for remote operation and protection from artillery. on Wikimedia
14. CV90
It has the weight and it certainly has the specs to make its presence known on the battlefield. The CV90 is undeterred by difficult terrain, carries cannons and anti-tank guiding missiles, and boasts enough reinforcements to protect it and personnel inside.
15. USS Langley
It may have taken some serious damage in its life, but the USS Langley wasn’t just the Navy’s first aircraft carrier—it was the first of its kind. With a unique design and incredible capacity, it pioneered the development of improved carriers and lives on in history.
16. M1 Abrams Tank
To this day, some still consider the M1 Abrams tank the best in class. It may be one of the heaviest (66.8 metric tons), it may be one of the costliest (nearly $11 million today), but it remains one of the most widely used tanks in the world. From its precision to weaponry collection, hardly anything gets in its way.
U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Ted Banks. on Wikimedia
17. Black Knight Transformer
As the first-ever vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, the Black Knight Transformer is basically a prototype of an auto-operated flying truck. Its versatility makes it ideal for several missions like casualty evac and restocking supplies. It’s also used to scout areas for potential threats or survivors.
18. Leopard 2 A-RC 3.0
This third-generation German tank has been around since the 1970s, but its 2024 variant displayed serious upgrades. Among them was an unmanned turret and three-man cabin, which not only improved security but also allowed for enhanced mobility.
19. Marauder
From a distance, this little vehicle looks like Batman’s Tumbler—it has double-skinned armor, protects crew from mines and side blasts, and once earned the title of “most unstoppable vehicle” from Top Gear.
Bob Adams from George, South Africa on Wikimedia
20. BTR-4E
Ukraine’s BTR-4 hasn’t been on the market long, but it’s made some sizable waves since it first appeared in 2014. Original prototypes for the tank weren’t particularly successful, but the 4E upgrade was quickly hailed as a quick-moving, amphibious IVF that ticked all the right boxes.