You Don't Want To Drive In These Cities
After a long day at work, the last thing you want to deal with is being stuck in traffic on your way home. While having to wait 30 minutes already sounds bad, can you imagine being held back for hours on end? If that thought terrifies you, you might want to stay away from driving in these 20 cities. Here are some of the worst traffic cities in the world that'll have you pulling out your hair if you're ever caught in it.
1. New Delhi, India
Already one of the most populated countries in the world, you're probably not surprised to see that a city in India has some of the worst traffic. New Delhi is notably bad, simply because there just isn't enough space to support all the drivers on the road. And with a growing number of privately owned cars hitting the streets, you can likely expect the traffic to only get worse from here.
2. Beijing, China
You best pray you're not stuck on the road during rush hour when you're visiting Beijing. Known for being awfully congested, despite having multiple laned highways, it's not enough. To put it simply, this city was not built for this many cars on the road. You'll be stuck for hours just trying to get home from work.
3. Miami, United States
With not enough public transportation options around, most people are forced to travel via their own cars. That only puts more drivers on the road, leading to more traffic overall. But as one of the most congested cities in the world, some change needs to happen. Many people are starting to say rush hour doesn't exist here - it's more of a rush day where traffic exists 24 hours long.
4. Paris, France
Though Paris may be the most romantic city in the world, you'll be rudely awakened thanks to all the bad traffic. With plenty of narrow streets that don't accommodate the massive amounts of drivers on the road, it's always pretty congested here. For tourists trying to get around, you definitely won't have the best experience.
5. Palermo, Italy
For travelers looking to visit Palermo, you'll be shocked to find many people online will warn you against driving there. With so many one-way streets and just an overall poorly designed infrastructure, you'll find yourself stuck in traffic too often.
Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) on Unsplash
6. Los Angeles, United States
If you plan on driving in Los Angeles, you'll quickly learn that this Hollywood city isn't as glam as it sounds. Car culture is huge here, meaning there are plenty of cars on the road. Although their freeways might have multiple lanes in an attempt to counter congestion, it simply isn't enough. This city's traffic is truly some of the worst in the world.
7. London, UK
This beautiful city sadly suffers from terrible traffic, especially during peak hours in the day. While their iconic double decker buses might be a popular tourist attraction, the truth is, they're incredibly slow and can impact traffic jams. And with growing construction and roadwork concerns, there are so many factors contributing to how gridlocked the streets are.
Mariordo (Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz) on Wikimedia
8. Mexico City, Mexico
Over the past couple of years, traffic in Mexico City has gotten significantly worse. Not only does it create problems for drivers just trying to get around, it's contributed far too much pollution to the city and the country as a whole. The air quality recently has been noted to be rather poor, in large part thanks to all the cars on the road.
9. Toronto, Canada
As the biggest city in Canada, it comes with a price. The traffic here is notorious for being one of the worst in the world. Due to factors like poor weather conditions, too much construction, and just far too many cars on the road, the city just doesn't have the infrastructure to support all that.
10. Brisbane, Australia
In Australia, Brisbane is noted for having the worst traffic in all of the country. Many say it's simply because the city is so car-dependent. You can't get from place to place without being able to drive! As a result, more people head to the roads causing all that congestion.
11. Bangkok, Thailand
Unfortunately, Bangkok seems to suffer from a plethora of road issues that cause it to have so much bad traffic. From too many dead-end alleyways, bad weather, and too much construction, these all come together to create a bad experience for drivers on the road.
User:Ahoerstemeier on Wikimedia
12. Istanbul, Turkey
Most of the congestion in Istanbul is thanks to how dense each area is. With so many people all living in one crowded space, it's bound to create hold-ups. Combine that with how poorly designed the roads are and you've got a recipe for disaster.
Ibrahim Husain Meraj on Wikimedia
13. Moscow, Russia
From bad road layouts to bad transportation options and driving etiquette, it seems like people are saying Moscow is definitely one of the worst places to be caught in traffic. To put it bluntly, this city was just not built for cars. People also state this city struggles with poor driving behaviors as well.
14. Manila, Philippines
If you think Los Angeles traffic is bad, trying heading over to Manila. If you're caught on a bad day, be prepared to settle in for hours. With far too many people in the city, the roads are way too narrow to accommodate all the cars on the streets.
15. Mumbai, India
Without more space to build roads, Mumbai is in a bit of a sticky situation. Its population is continuing to boom, but they don't have the ability to plan around it. Resulting in terrible traffic that is hard to escape, it's worsened by pedestrians that hold up drivers even further.
16. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
During rush hour, you'll likely get caught for hours on end if you're driving in Ho Chi Minh City. Not only are the roads unpredictable thanks to how many cars and bikers there are, there's just too much disorder to make things more efficient. All in all, the displays of traffic here are truly shocking.
17. Lagos, Nigeria
If you're able to live close to where you work, it might not be so bad, but if you're expecting a long commute, be prepared to face difficulties on the road. Traffic jams aren't just annoying to deal with in Lagos, but many online say they can be dangerous too. Sadly, it's the perfect robbing opportunity for thieves who are looking for their next target.
18. Bogota, Columbia
Bogota is a city that is not well-equipped for handling the growing influx of drivers. More and more citizens are purchasing cars, meaning there's an increasing population on the road. However, not only is there a lack of decent roads, there's also not a lot of focus being put on repairing and maintaining them. The conditions just aren't favorable, creating so much congestion and back-up.
19. Boston, United States
With public transit options becoming more expensive, more people are turning to their cars to get from one place to another. Over the past few years, many citizens will likely complain about how bad the traffic has gotten. And sadly, it doesn't seem like the city is prepared to deal with it.
20. Dublin, Ireland
You may be surprised to hear Dublin is repeatedly one of the worst traffic cities in the world, but it is. Because their public transportation systems aren't very efficient, most people prefer driving instead. Of course, this growth in drivers on the road only causes more back ups for everyone. Without a great management system and narrow roads, it's just a traffic mess.