Don't feed the animals. Don't stand too close to the edge. Don't swim when jellyfish are around. There are some things we shouldn't really need to be told, and yet...
Tour guides see their fair share of dimwitted behavior on their part of their guests, but these stories they shared online really take the cake.
45. Get Some Tail
44. Stubborn As An Ox
43. I'd Tap That
42. Girl Should Not Go To University
41. We Don't Need No Civil War
40. They've Already Been Stolen Once
39. Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
38. Pet The Good Boy
37. Lost Victory
36. Stay Classy
35. They Should Rip His Hair Out
34. Head First
I was doing a tour of our production facility to some people from head office. As we got to one of the pallet out-feeds, I mentioned the light curtain which was a safety feature that stopped the conveyors once the light was broken, and so for some reason one of the ladies decides to stick her hand through the light to test it, stopping the production line and also risking her safety by doing it in the first place.
I asked her not to do that again and went about resetting the machine to start up again. No more than 3 seconds after doing so she stuck her hand through the curtain again stopping everything. She looked at me with the most stupid expression on her face as I basically said "wtf?" To this day I don't know why she did it or what her deal was.
33. Swim With The Fishes
32. Doing It For The 'Gram
31. How Would You Like To Work From Home?
30. Don't Be A Sally Soundtrack
29. That's What The Dungeons Are For
28. "Poo Brain" Is Right
27. A Part Of Our Heritage
26. No More Field Trips
25. Takes All Sorts
24. Cave Man
23. His Little Piggies Went To Market
22. Michael Jackson On A Bus
21. They Died For Your Peedom
20. Sick Burn
19. At Least Duck Down
18. Shark Attack
17. Camp-us
16. Time To Go Viral
15. The GOB Bluth Tour
14. Talking To Yourself
13. A Show Stopper
12. Dude: There's A Bathroom
11. Who's The Real Monkey Here?
10. That Kid Shouldn't Go To College
9. Your Stupidity Is Deadly
8. Overprotective
7. True Love
6. Never Leave Them Alone
5. Very Funny, Kid
4. They Don't Play In The Vatican
I was on tour at the Vatican City under the supervision of a tour guide when seeing the "Last Judgement" painting. Our tour guide spotted a guy taking selfies with the painting when you're specifically not allowed to do so. The tour guide flipped the frig out and called him out in front of everyone there.
I still get scared when I hear someone scream, it's like the tour guide never left me.
3. She's An Alien
2. Of Penguins And People
1. No Respect