Most of us have had to work a retail job at one point or another. It can be a grind out there: having to smile and act happy and gleefully comply with outrageous requests from obnoxious customers. But sometimes people can also surprise you and buck up your spirits with their random jokes and acts of kindness.
Good or bad, these folks recently went online to share their favorite stories from their retail jobs. Cleanup in aisle 7!
25. Tip for tat
24. What a pair of cards
I work in a small, locally owned toy shop in little college town, however we have a lot of down to earth people and families.
Couple comes in with three kids and immediately the kids go crazy, wanting to show their parents every single toy in the store.
It's a small store but is broken into three distinct sections, rooms connected by walkways. We have a card rack next to the cash wrap that has all sorts of cards.
As the wife is being dragged by her kids around the store, the husband comes up to me and quietly goes, "Don't let my wife see, we are big fans." He slides me this Star Wars themed card and the cash to pay for it. I quietly make small talk with him about the weather and ring him up. I finish just in time as his wife and kids walk around and then grab their dad to go beg and ask for toys.
I'm chatting with the mom and she sees a card on the card rack and says, "This would be perfect for [husband] but don't let him see this," and slides me cash, finishes the transaction and winks. It's the exact same card.
They finish their shopping, purchase a few toys for their three kids and walk out, both chuckling to themselves about how clever they are.
23. Two Diet Cokes
22. A kind gesture
21. A parting gift
20. Lost in translation
19. Accursed cursive
18. Who's the boss
17. The budget boys
16. "I have places to be"
15. It's so sad that some people feel the only ones who care about them are retail workers
14. Someone spent too much time listening to their dad's rants
I work at a fairly popular paint supply store. I love my job and the people I work with. While I'm there, I'm allowed to have my tattoos showing, as long as they're not offensive or obnoxious.
During the middle of the day, my usual customers are general contractors and foremen. This particular day, I had a long sleeved shirt on under my work shirt which covered my tattoos. Well, as I was helping on particular contractor, I decided to roll my sleeves up because it was getting warm in the store from all of my running around, trying to get this order done.
He takes one look at my arm tattoos and flips out on me, calling me a hippy and so many other insults. Now, I can take some heat for it because I'm a pretty well-mannered dude. However the best insult came as I was ringing him out. This guy told me "go get a job" as I was ringing him out.
He told me to go get a job, while I was at my job, taking his money.