People From Around The World Share How Their Partner Made Them Want A Restraining Order

People From Around The World Share How Their Partner Made Them Want A Restraining Order

Sometimes we look back fondly on those we have loved and lost; sometimes we find ourselves calling the police because they're still looking fondly through our windows years after we've broken up.

These long-suffering lovers recently went online to share how their partners made them want a restraining order. It's surely a nightmare, and we hope it never happens to you.


30. Making punch

She punched me in the face while I was sleeping.

Apparently my phone had woken her when I received a text in the middle of the night from a girl asking if there was any chance I could come pick her up. She assumed I was cheating and figured that the most efficient way of addressing her concerns was to just punch me in the face--hard--while I lay there sleeping.

The text was from a cousin who had some sort of semi-emergency and needed to get picked up from a party.

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29. Oh the hypocrisy

I had an ex who went out of town for a weekend and when she got back she came over to my apartment when I wasn't there and she found a bra that wasn't hers. When I came home my place was completely trashed. Like thousands of dollars worth of damage. And since I was in my early 20s this easily amounted to my entire life's work up to that point. We're talking TV, stereo, instruments, Sega Genesis and SNES (this was the mid 90s) and clothes.

When I rightfully asked "WTF?!" she accused me of cheating and having another women over during the weekend she was out of town. I denied this and she presented her evidence and triumphantly waved the bra in my face. She seemed to really enjoy her "A-HA!" moment.

"Hey, remember a couple of weeks ago when you told me you were going out of town for the weekend and that I should invite my kid sister to come over and take her out to that stupid underage club up the street? Yeah, I did that and she left her bra here when she changed. She called me about it yesterday ya psycho."

I've never seen an inflated sense of self deflate so quickly in real life like that. And I came to a harsh realization when I kicked her crazy butt to the curb: it's almost as hard explaining to your friends why you're breaking up with the super hot chick who is out of your league as it is explaining it to her. Like none of my buddies could accept that I didn't want to spend time with a crazy person who basically ruined my life in one 2 hour fit of uncontrollable anger.

"She literally destroyed everything I own except for a few dishes in the cupboard. Even my food was messed up. My food!"

"Yeah, but she was so hot."

And the worst part? After we broke up I found out she was cheating on me with random dudes all the time.

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28. When the immaturity never stops

Started dating in high school, had some ups and downs, but at the time I just chalked it up to us being immature. My last two years of college really proved he just had serious issues. When I moved out of state for good it’s like a switch flipped and he got extremely possessive and controlling.

Wanted all my friends' numbers, gave me a schedule of when we “need to be in communication” and if I missed any he was blowing my phone up with threats of harming himself.

Finally got the restraining order when he showed up to my friends apartment looking for me, threatening to call the police because I still had a pair of his shoes (that I didn’t even have).

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27. Quantity time

We were spending a large amount of time together, with me staying at his house several nights of the week.

He went mad one day because he said we weren't "spending enough time together". He pulled out a notepad and drew up a schedule, outlining in excruciating detail each hour that I would spend with him throughout the week from then on. I distinctly remember sitting there, saying nothing and feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone.

Things got significantly crazier from then on, but this moment always sticks out in my mind.

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26. Let it go, lady

We were in a long distance relationship for over 3 years and eventually it started to fizzle. She’d tell me to move to the States and drop my college degree, my family and my animals to live as an illegal immigrant and I could just do whatever odd jobs I could find just to be with her. I told her I needed to wait. She’d get very upset every time I went out with friends and would bombard my Facebook wall with random crap and send me private messages with passive aggressive insults and threats.

I broke it off with her and moved on, but she kept messaging me asking to be friends, I tried but she’d randomly blow up at me insulting me for ruining her life by making her think she could be loved. I told her she did deserve love and she’d get even more upset, we couldn’t talk at all.

Last year she messaged me yet again (we broke up in 2013) telling me that I had a legal obligation to marry her since I said I would 5 years ago and therefore she expected me to just fly up there and fulfill my obligation to her. Had to block her.

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25. Those are some serious red flags

I was young, dumb, and thought I was in love and ignored many red flags. As he got more comfortable around me he let his crazy out. Someone stole his cell phone and he asked me to purchase a shotgun for him so he could go find the person who did it. It took me another year and a half to leave. I did try breaking up with him but he told me that if I ever tried to break up with him again he'd kill everyone I love and then himself so I'd know what it was like to be alone. That relationship ended in an order of protection against domestic violence. He was nuts.

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24. The beginning is always sweet

I was dating a guy who was very sweet in the beginning. After about six months he got possessive. He didn't trust me. An example of this was one night I told him I was meeting a friend I used to work with at a bar a block away. We lived in a safe area and it was a short walk. Her name sounded like it could be male or female, but I assured him she was a she. He showed up at the bar while we were there and it made him look very insecure.

He began tracking my phone's GPS. I found out when I stopped at a relative's house after work on my way home and he freaked out and called my mom. She actually knew that was where I was and he had a hard time believing I wasn't cheating.

The last straw was my first week at a new job. I worked nights and had my phone. I got this long-winded email regarding an innocent comment on a Facebook selfie of me. There were screenshots of it and a huge manifesto about why my buddies online all wanted to take me away from him.

After I broke up with him, I got emails for months swinging between apologies and telling me I was the abuser. I got emails telling me he was being sedated by some unknown person. It was insane.


23. Jumping to (ludicrous) conclusions

I was dating a guy. I really liked him. He was smart, funny, and adventurous. We were getting pretty serious, he pretty much lived at my house.

One weekend I went home for my dad's birthday. All of my brothers were home, I have five of them. We ate, drank, and were merry. One of my sister-in-laws took some pictures and posted them on Facebook with me tagged in them.

Got back to my house Sunday evening and my boyfriend was coming over shortly to hang out and spend the night. When he got there he was basically frothing at the mouth.

He shoved me and called me a tramp. Started pushing me around ranting about how he had to see me showing off my body all over the internet and hanging on a bunch of guys.

I told him they were my brothers, but at that point I was done with him. I told him to get out of my house. He took that as an invitation to throw me up against a wall and try to force me to kiss him.

My roomie heard the commotion and came out of her room with a bat. Then dunghead made the only good decision he made that day and decided to leave. Kicked in a pantry door and wrecked some drywall on his way out, though.

I threw all his stuff in a dumpster. He ended up stalking me for years. Showing up hammered at places I'd moved to after we dated. Calling after I'd changed my number. Even texted me on the week of my wedding to ask me to reconsider marrying him instead. Yeah you crazy loon I want to dump the love of my life for a crazy stalker.

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22. Lying and abuse

I graduated. She wanted to transfer schools. So we moved to a college town where she told me she'd been accepted as a transfer.

Turns out she hadn't been accepted, and when she applied, was not accepted. She got a job at Walmart while trying to figure out her next move.

After about 2 months she decides we should move to Pittsburgh. She's convinced this will solve all her problems and make her happy ... except we're in a recession and I just got my first good job. I don't want to move.

She became abusive. I didn't want to go home. She was constantly negative and on the edge of a screaming fight. I was just avoiding her at the end.

We were together 4 years before that, and she was always moody but not abusive. Six months of that, and she went to her home town to take a semester at a local school and stay with her parents.

I called her two weeks later and told her not to come back. It had been like a weight was lifted from me, and I never wanted to see her again.

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21. The Unabomber

The worst version I have of this was a guy that I had been dating, who rammed my truck with a moving van, repeatedly, at an immigration checkpoint in New Mexico, well after dark. He thought it was funny.

He’d been behaving badly, but I just thought it was the stress of the move. The aggravated assault by U-Haul is when I decided to break up with him.

He stalked me for years after that, harassing me at work, which led to me getting fired. I switched from law firms to legal software, and that seemed to make it harder to find me.

His stalking ended in blowing up a brick and mortar mailbox with explosives. I think he laid low after that, because the FBI was looking for him.

He eventually moved back to California, years later. An ex-girlfriend of his contacted me about seven years later when she was settling his estate. She wanted to make sure there weren’t any children.

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20. Under lock and key

We met online. We both had video games in common and hit it off. Fast forward 2 years and we get engaged. All was well. Until he started getting abusive toward me and our pets. I felt stuck because I couldn't afford to live on my own. Then he went on a business trip and I found... well, illegal adult films on a hidden flash drive. Turned it in, he got arrested. Turns out he was also hiring call girls and stuff. He’s in prison and it’s illegal for him to contact me, thank god.

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19. Jealous of inanimate objects

Dated a chick years ago. She was essentially everything I thought I wanted in a girl. She was cute, funny, liked just enough things I liked for us to have common interests but just different enough to show each other new things and experiences. I was heavy into her and she was heavy into me.

Then things got. . . . weird. She started getting jealous of high school friends I'd known way before her and even went as far as telling me I wasn't allowed to hang out with some of my female friends except for the few she thought were uglier than her.

Things got worse. She started getting jealous of inanimate objects like my game consoles, and video games, some of which she gave me. It came to a head when my grandmother asked me to watch her dog. She was a tiny purse dog that I adored and one day I was half asleep and saw her literally kick this tiny dog off my bed, like with her feet. I asked her what her problem was and she told me that she doesn't like that I give the dog more attention than her.

Things got even worse. She would physically abuse me when I did things she didn't like such as bending my fingers, hitting me in the face, etc. Eventually everything I did she didn't like. After a while I got the courage to dump her and she tries to tell me she's pregnant to keep me which is an obvious lie.

After that I discovered she'd still stalk my Facebook page, and told some of her friends and mutual friends that I was the abuser. I also learned that when I was away she'd let dudes feel her up and other stuff too.

Luckily I've landed a great girl that cares about me and isn't a jealous psycho like she was.

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18. Kick her to the curb

Started dating not long after a previous relationship. At first everything was amazing and I did everything for this girl.

For my 21st birthday we went to Alton Towers with 2 of my friends (one boy and one girl). We stayed over at the hotel. We were all in the same room having a drink and a laugh when suddenly my GF storms out the room for no reason. Rightly so I follow her back to our room as to ask what’s up. Before I can even finish my sentence, she punches me square in the face, gets me to the floor and kicks me about 5 or 6 times. I ask why and it’s because I’m apparently “always looking at my (girl) friend”.

Anyway in the morning we set off home and I assume all is well. We drop my friends off and as I pull up to her house she puts her feet on my windscreen and kicks it 3 or 4 times, cracking it.

Not sure why I stayed with her for a month after this as she scratched at my face repeatedly when I accepted an old school friend on Facebook.

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17. Your baby, your problem

We were actually engaged to be married.

Then she went on holidays without me and came back pregnant.

She then told me, "You have never done anything to prove you really love me. Accept this baby and help me raise it to prove it."

I declined and asked her to leave the home that I paid for (and that was in my name).

She refused. So I made arrangements, cancelled my lease, then left and told her there were 4 days left on the lease (I think).

She wailed "But what am I supposed to do? I don't have a job!"

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16. Dodged it like Neo

After being beat down mentally by her, I started suffering from an inability to perform in the bedroom at 22 years of age.

Eventually, I mustered the courage to leave her. She quickly moved on to someone else (who would later become her husband) and called me every week to basically rub it in, saying how much better he was than me, how much bigger he was that me, etc.

I moved out of state. Changed my number. Never heard from her again. She called my parents and even showed up at their home, but they told her to go away.

About 10 years later my friend ran into an old friend of hers. Apparently my ex got arrested for beating her own mother. Got out of jail, and beat her husband, then tried to take their kids from him. She was arrested again, and later released.

Guess I dodged a huge bullet there.


15. Distracted by the hotness

She was unreasonably hot. I feel I'm good looking but she was just stupid beautiful. She found out my ex's name somehow, without my knowledge, found her Facebook and started sending her threatening messages. I have no idea why.

She then deleted every female number from my phone. All my relatives except my mother and aunts that were listed as such.

Her hotness made me continue with her for another 3 weeks after this. She said that she had issues but being pretty means that most guys put up with it. Therefore, according to her, I just needed to just deal with it. Ending it with her felt more like trying to explain complex mathematics to a donkey. She wouldn't accept it for ages.

I respected her self-awareness about how psycho she was though, to be honest. She made it clear what I was signing up for. I just didn't want to listen.

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14. The key word here is again

He pushed a little girl in a store because she tried to pet his emotional support dog. Instead of just picking up the dog, he put hands on her.

There’s a lot more but that sticks out the most.

I recently found out he was arrested again.


13. So, so broken

I started dating this amazing girl, but she was just getting out of an abusive marriage, and I was her first female partner.

She started showing up at my work with flowers and coffee, which was sweet, but I had never told her where my office was. Then, she started showing up at my house at all hours, and would get upset when I needed to sleep (I worked graves). She then wanted me to meet her daughters, which I wasn't comfortable with, because we were in the first stages of a relationship.

I decided to break it off. She was too needy, which was understandable coming from someone who had just left an abusive relationship AND discovered their sexuality, but I wasn't the person that could guide her. She decided that I was just afraid of love, and started leaving books of poetry on my porch, and leaving long letters in my mailbox.

I finally had to call law enforcement after I came home to her in my bed. She had taken a ladder to my second story room window (I lived with roommates) and broken in. I found her naked in my bed. She proceeded to tell me that I was the only thing keeping her alive.

I cut off all contact, but I truly hope that she has gotten some help and is doing well. She was a wonderful woman, but so, so broken.

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12. 0 to 10 real quick

Started dating a woman who agreed with me on the idea of being childless. I was 100% certain, and still am, almost 25 years later, that I did not and do not want children.

We commence dating.

Two months into dating, she told me that I had to:

  1. Quit my job that paid very well and get an even higher-paying job immediately if not sooner;
  2. That I had to purchase her a large house in Connecticut (at the time she was living in Queens, NY and I was living in southern Westchester county), and finally;
  3. I had to get her pregnant immediately with the first of ten -- yes, ten -- children she wanted by me.

NO she was not kidding. At all.

I think I invented Ghosting in that moment. It was, after all, 1994.

How hard did I ghost her? I moved from NY to AZ overnight. I vanished.

She actually ended up following me to AZ. She tracked me down (I had a fairly large Internet presence at the time on USENET, so she was able to get messages to me) and ended up moving two hours away to Phoenix. After a few weeks, it was clear that I was not interested in resuming the relationship, she started dating around, met a guy, and later married him. They are by all accounts very happily married, and no -- no kids.

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11. Grown manchild

He owned a house, had 2 jobs, lived in my apartment, didn't pay for ANYTHING, didn't help me out (he was always 'resting' for work). I had a full-time job, and was paying the bills.

But the straw that broke the camel's back was when, after buying me a puppy I wasn't really keen on getting since I already had one, he refused to even take them out to go potty. I had to teach a 50-year-old man how to walk a dog! And he refused to even buy a bag of dog food! I was like that's it! I'm keeping the 4 legged dogs, and getting rid of the 2 legged one.

He was a postman and a cook in a casino, I realize he had bills. But I was barely scraping by before he 'moved in' without my permission, I couldn't afford him and another puppy.

I am happy to say, I still have the puppies. They are almost 7, and 8 and the most amazing dogs I could hope for. But I was happy when I moved and he no longer knows where I live unless he uses the PO to find out. That would be creepy.

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10. A messed up childhood romance

This is about my sister. She and her ex dated on and off in high school. At some point in the 8th grade, he admitted he was in love with her and she admitted she had feelings for him, too, so they started dating in 10th grade.

I told her something was off about him. I’m not necessarily an intuitive person; I try my hardest not to judge a situation too quickly, but something about him just rubbed me the wrong way.

They dated for about 6 months and he began showing signs of abusive behavior. Like others have stated, he began calling her and keeping tabs on her. He demanded to know when she made it home and when she went to sleep. He demanded that she edit her social media (MySpace, at this time) to include pictures of them and only them so everyone knew they were together.

She visited me in the hospital (I had a severe stomach flu). Something wasn’t right, and she told me she wanted to break up with him. She told me she was a bit scared of him. He was a big guy, maybe 6’4”, about 230 pounds. My mom begged her to end it with him and she did.

The calls kept pouring in for about two weeks and she did her best to avoid him. Once I was back in school, I happened to catch an encounter between the two of them. He had her pinned against her locker telling her she wasn’t leaving until they “talked things out.” I told him to back off and he threatened me, and then she threatened him. He stormed off, punched a locker, broke two of his fingers. He dropped it for a while.

He popped up a few years later on the morning of my sister’s wedding with a love letter. We are not sure how he knew she was getting married -- we all had him blocked on social media (the letter was mailed to our home which she no longer lived in).

He hasn’t come around any more, but honestly, I would not put it past him. My sister’s husband is an avid hunter, so that may be what’s keeping him away.

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9. Money for nothing

I dated someone for almost 3 years starting back in Grade 10 in high school. Everything was great for the first year or so, and he treated me well and we had some things in common. Didn’t realize after we broke up how much of a Grade A loser he actually was. I thought for a while that if we stayed together after high school, we could get married, because he was my first relationship and I felt like I loved him so much that I would marry him.

Then about a year and a half into the relationship he starts to show his true colors. His family never had much money, so sometimes I would help to pay for stuff for him. He started to yell and scream if I didn’t give him money to buy some game he wanted and many times would embarrass me in the middle of a public setting like Walmart.

My parents too would sometimes help pay for his gas, and that got to the point where he would come to me to ask my parents for the money cause they hadn't given it to him yet. I didn’t want to give him money all the time and even tried calling him out in it, but he would always scream and yell.

He generally became emotionally and financially abusive (I didn’t know financial abuse was a thing until after we broke up), and the incident that made me really stop loving him was the night he assaulted me. He finally decided that waiting for me to be ready wasn’t enough so he took it. We still dated almost a year after that but out of fear of what he would do if I left him. I finally left him the next year right before my birthday after finding out that he had cheated on me again with my (now ex) best friend.

I wish I had said something sooner to my parents but only told them 3-4 years after it happened. Now I hope I never see him again.

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8. Let the fake accusations begin

She had just moved in and she lost her job. Over about 3 years she got more and more crazy for lack of a better word. One day she would be loving and the next a little more psycho than the last time she went psycho. I figured she'd get her job back, get back her confidence in herself, and it would all work out.

Narrator: "It did not."

Things kinda came to a head when she started a huge argument with me because I finished my masters degree program before her and somehow it was a calculated slight I did to make her feel bad about how long her part time program was taking her to graduate. So I was already pretty angry from that fight. Then she slapped my dog in the face. We broke up and she moved out the next week.

Then she stalked me for about 1.5 years after we broke up and threatened to poison my dog or steal my dog. I got about 40-80 text messages a day with some variation of "kill yourself" or "you're an awful person." She "accidentally" stole some of my stuff moving out and kept trying to use it as an excuse to come over and spy on me. She wanted me to let her walk though the house months after we broke up because she was missing "things" and said she'd call the cops and say I hit her if I didn't let her.

Luckily her stories changed so often everyone quickly realized she had issues and was lying her butt off. Last I heard the spiciest version I had assaulted her a bunch of times and made her cut herself. Her FBI agent brother asked to see the scars and she slapped him. He texted me he was going to look at getting her into an inpatient place and not to worry and please don't sue. Last I heard of it.

Obviously I was way off about her being crazy and she sure showed me how big a mistake I made! I stayed with her way too long and I kept thinking she'd go back to the woman I'd fallen in love with. Oh well, live and learn.

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7. You have great taste

Oh I have two of these! The first one was a guy 7 years older than me. One day I came home from work and was told that my underage half-sister claimed that he tried to kiss her. He was hammered and passed out. So I packed up his crap in his car and made him leave when he woke up. I think we were together for 3 years and that's how it ended.

Second time was a guy that kind of idolized Charles Manson. I was young, dumb, and up for taking most any substance so we had a fast and weird relationship. Then he pushed me away by pretending to find god or something. I left, started dating the guy I had a crush on, and got a call that psycho stabbed his father a bunch of times and wrapped him in a shower curtain. My crush stayed by my side despite the ridiculousness and 12 years later we're married with absolutely no drama in our lives whatsoever.

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6. Some people just can't take 'no' for an answer

My relationship with my ex in uni seemed really great. He loved me a lot, was supper attentive, I even went on holiday with his family and at some point I thought we'd eventually marry and start a family.

Long story short, when I got busy with school (final year) and didn't see him as often, he stated getting clingy and jealous of everyone (including my female friends).

I tried to break up with him probably 3 times before he accepted it. Explained how I wanted to focus on my studies and the situation wasn't good for either of us. The last time he seemed to understand my point and we remained friends. This also didn't last long, and he eventuality started stalking me online and in person and constantly bothering my friends.

He managed to go to my senior year party, even though he wasn't in my year. Eventually he texted me calling me a slur, that I had cheated on him, you name it. He also told this to all our mutual friends in uni, so that was fun. He acted like a total lunatic begging for me to reconsider a friendship after that, but obviously there was no chance for that. The last straw was him showing up at the graduation ceremony making it awkward for me and all my family.

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5. I guess she prefers Pepsi?

Keep in mind, this was in the late 90's.

There was chemistry, and lots of long talks on the Internet and on the phone, and we were getting along pretty well.

And, one day -- I don't recall how it came about to the topic, but -- it came about to the topic of Coca-Cola.

And she began to spin harder and faster and more eccentrically than a toy top on a whirligig teacups ride, about how Coca-Cola was Jewish.

The next twenty minutes were filled with her regurgitating the absolute worst anti-Semitic garbage that could have been sourced out of any hate organisation's manifesto. The kind of stuff that gets vomited on 4chan and 8chan today.

I listened to her just spew it all out ... and then thanked her for her viewpoint, and excused myself and left.

And then my dog "ate" my cell phone.

The last I heard about her, she had moved to the Pacific Northwest ... I guess to be with other white supremacists. I just feel bad for her children who had to grow up with that culture. I hope they're healing.

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4. Grey gardens

I started going grey in my early 30s and she started insisting I dye my hair because she didn't want people to think she was a girl with daddy issues dating an old man.

Restraining order time came when she started spiking my conditioner with strawberry blonde dye.

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3. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

I dated this girl from halfway across the globe (I'm in Northwest Europe, she was from Southeast Asia) and we actually met up here, had a great time, she got along great with my parents, and plans were made for me to head down there the next year.

Somewhere along the line, though, we got into more and more online arguments, combined with me feeling heavily inadequate and some other stuff, and around February of the following year I broke things off. I felt bad but...I could've never continued that relationship.

And then in August of that year me, my sister and my mother are walking downtown and we suddenly see her. She had flown halfway across the world without telling me in hopes of mending the relationship. She even went out to see my father (though he wasn't home) and all that.


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2. Till debt do us part

I moved my ex in way too early. She hated where she was living and I wanted to help her with her mental state so it seemed like a good idea at the time. She didn't have a job so I paid for everything. Whenever she finally did get a job, she would keep all the money to herself and then quit out of nowhere after a couple of weeks or so. Slowly but surely she started abusing me in pretty much every way but sexual and like a frog in boiling water, I allowed it to happen by justifying it to myself.

She used her mental issues to manipulate me into buying her so many things, including a laptop! As soon as I ran out of money, we started having problems and $16,000 in credit card debt later, she broke up with me and continued to live in my apartment for another couple of months. She was on the lease so I couldn't kick her out because legally the apartment was her just as much as it was mine. She finally moved out on my birthday (last December) and I'm STILL picking up the pieces.

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1. Mom is the real hero here

I was 15, dumb because I’d never really been in a serious relationship before, and had no idea what I was doing. This was my first “love”, so of course I was convinced I was gonna marry him.

He was 18 and a total piece of crap. He told me he loved me, that we were gonna be together forever, and sold me on the idea of a perfect life. I wanted to be grown so bad that I jumped at my chance to feel like an adult.

The crazy thing is there’s not a singular event or thing he did to trigger a grandiose “get away from me” moment. He was just lousy from the beginning.

Our first “date” as a “couple” was homecoming. He was actually taking another girl to homecoming “as a friend”, but the week of he told me he cancelled on her so he could go as my date. Instead of seeing this as the red flag it was, 15 year old me thought it was some grandiose romantic gesture.

It was only downhill from there. He expected me to be on the phone with him constantly when I wasn’t at school. I would get home from school and he would expect me to call. If I took too long to do it he would yell at me. We would stay on the phone until I literally fell asleep. On the weekends, I was expected to call him as soon as I woke up. If I slept in too late he would yell at me. What were we talking about? Literally nothing. He would expect me to stay on the phone with him sitting in silence for hours and get mad if I said I wanted to go. Half the time he would get mad at me anyway for not having anything to say, never mind the fact the he didn’t have anything to say either.

I kinda realized I was in over my head when he started pressuring me to hook up with him for the first time. I didn’t want to, but he did. And he talked about all these plans about going to a hotel room and how amazing it was going to be. It made me super uncomfortable, but after a while I just started going along with making the plans because I knew it meant we would move past the subject faster.

I’m not sure what happened. I was talking with my mom one day and something just... snapped. It was like one minute I was head over heels with this guy and the next I was repulsed by the very idea of him.

My mom made and executed a plan beyond what I could have handled myself. I ended it over the phone because I was scared of how he would react in person. My mom contacted his parents and told them what was going on. She contacted the school to make sure I had support there too. I made it clear to him in no uncertain terms that he shouldn’t talk to me or come around me at all.

He drove by my house frequently for a couple of days. My mom called me out of school for a week. He would sit outside on the street for an hour or two at a time. Even our neighbors got involved in helping us. They would warn us if he was outside or let us know if he came by when we were out. It got kinda bad and I went to stay with my dad for a few days. He came by and left a card and a stuffed bear on the porch at my mom’s on Valentine’s Day.

Eventually he just...stopped. But I spent a lot of time scared out of my mind not knowing if or when he was going to pop up, even after he stopped coming around. I still have no idea why he stopped but I won’t forget that kind of fear.

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