Gobsmacked People From Around The World Share The Dumbest Questions They've Ever Been Asked
Gobsmacked People From Around The World Share The Dumbest Questions They've Ever Been Asked
We're fond of saying there's no such thing as a dumb question. But every now and then you hear someone ask something so silly that it makes you question everything about them. How did you not know that? What do you even mean?
These folks recently went online to share the dumbest things they've ever been asked, and oh boy -- there are some doozies.
45. Can't Assume
What nationality are you?
No, I mean, what nationality?
Ummm, do you mean heritage? Polish I guess.
No, no, listen, na-tional-ity,
I don’t know what you’re asking.
Nationality, like, are you white, black, etc?
Just look at me, I’m white as snow, and that’s not nationality.
Cool, I didn’t want to assume anything.
44. Unbelievable
“Do you see in panoramic view?”
I’m Chinese...
43. Now I'm Just Thirsty
"Is Cherry Vanilla Coke made with cherries and vanilla mixed together, or is it made with vanilla cherries?"
Vanilla cherries?
42. Maybe You Should Be The Boss
Boss: "Could you print out that file, scan it, and email it to me?"
Me: "I could just email it to you."
Boss: ...
41. Flirtation Over
When I moved back to Florida from Scotland a girl I was hitting on at a bar asked me how long a drive that was.
40. How Has No One Thought Of That?
My friend once asked, “What if they made a sea world but instead it’s centered around the land?”
I responded with “So basically, a zoo?”
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
39. 8 Days A Week
Not me, but overheard someone asking a restaurant server: "Your coupon says it's valid 7 days a week, does this include weekends?"
38. Black Mirror
Someone asked me at work if a mirror was expired because it had a manufactured date on the back...
Photo by Roberto Delgado Webb on Unsplash
37. Hail To The Chief
“Don’t you find it stupid that Obama is the only president without a last name?”
36. Level Up
A guy asked me this on a ski lift.
"At what elevation do deer turn into elk?"
35. Not A Dealbreaker
I was having a conversation about traveling with this woman.
Me: I’ve always wanted to road trip up to Alaska and see the northern lights.
Her: (looking at me like I’m a moron) Oh yeah? How are you going to drive to Alaska?
Me: In my car...
Her: You can’t DRIVE there.
And then I realized she thought Alaska was an island. I had to explain to her that although Alaska and Hawaii were always in little boxes next to the mainland of USA maps that doesn’t mean they’re both islands.
10 years later I married her.
34. Glad Civics Is Working
"So Trump is our president, right? Does that mean he's in charge of our state or the whole world? Sorry but I've never understood this whole president thing..."
This was asked to me by a fellow high school senior... in civics class.
33. Tough Case
Was asked to a friend of mine who worked in a book shop.
"Excuse me. Do these stairs go up?"
Only at the bottom. At the top they go down.
32. Cruise Control
When PT Cruisers first came out, the very first one my mother saw was a black one.
She actually thought it was a hearse for children or little people. I'm not making this up.
31. Is This Hacking?
One of my good friends builds computers. He sold me the components of his old desktop and he brought it over to my house so he could transfer them to a new case for me and then build his new computer. It was taking a while and my mom was agitated that he was there so long. So she asked, "Is what you're doing even legal?"
30. Right There In The Name
I once had an argument with a friend over whether or not a milkshake is a dairy product. She was in her second year of culinary school.
29. Nice Try
When I used to work at a bakery, a customer once asked me:
"When the bread isn't warm anymore, that means it's not fresh anymore, so I can have it for free right?"
28. The Compass
My cousin bought a map from a nearby fancy store for tourists. After perusing it for no less than two hours, she asked me, "How does this north-south stuff work? The side I'm facing is north, right? And if I turn right, north also turns right, no?"
She was 20.
27. Actually Kind Of Poetic
"If you had a heart transplant, would your memories go away?"
26. Like Lillypads
My stepmom once asked if islands float around in the ocean.
My brother burst out laughing, and I just looked flatly at my dad and said, "You married this woman." We still give her grief about it.
25. Baker's Dozen
I used to work at a bakery. Once I was boxing up donuts for a customer when they asked how many were in the box.
Me: Six.
Them: Oh, okay. How many left to make it a dozen?
Me: Six.
Them: Yes, I know. How many more do I need to make it a dozen ??
Me: Sigh
To be clear, this person wasn't asking about a baker's dozen. I know what they are. It's literally a medieval practice that 99% of places don't follow today. And don't tell me about the one place you know that does, I don't care.
24. Trick Or Treat
“Does Halloween ever fall on Friday the 13th?”
Took my buddy a few seconds combined with our WTF stares to realize what he had just asked.
23. Why Don't People Understand Canada?!
Going through the border -- from Canada into the U.S.:
Border Guard: "What's your citizenship?"
Me: [hands over passport, which notes my birthplace as Vancouver, British Columbia] "Canadian."
Border Guard: "No, what's your citizenship?"
Me: louder "I'm Canadian."
Border Guard: yelling "What's your citizenship?!"
Me: "I don't know what you're asking me!"
Border Guard: "Where were you born? Was it Colombia?"
Me: "British Columbia is a province in Canada."
Border Guard: waves me through.
22. Health Class Is So Important
A friend of my daughter's when they were 15 or 16 was staying at our home one weekend, as she did most weekends. She was crying. My daughter was laughing and told her to ask me.
This girl was scared that she may be pregnant because she had hooked up unprotected... with another girl.
I had to explain to her that that wasn't how it worked.
She thought that because she climaxed that meant she was pregnant.
21. Never Forget
"Wasn't that building destroyed on 9-11?" She was pointing to the Prudential Center in Boston.
20. Narwhals Are Real
"Isn’t it a shame unicorns went extinct?" This person was an adult and thought unicorns existed during medieval times.
19. You Are Overheating
I was weighing a patient, and she asked me if it measured in Celsius.
18. Poor Buffalo Bill
My wife at the time saw the headline “Buffalo buried in 5 feet of snow” (I don’t remember the exact measurement). She asked “Why don’t they just dig the poor guy out?” There was a picture of the city under the headline.