Just about everyone is in a bad mood when flying. It's a frustrating experience. You're in a stuffy, confined space with hundreds of strangers for hours on end. The seats are uncomfortable, the entertainment gets boring after a while, the food isn't great (if you get anything to eat at all).
So we get it. It's easy to lose your temper.
But some passengers just go above and beyond with their rudeness, crazy demands, and lack of compassion for others around them. Those are the folks these stories are all about.
These are stories of the most entitled passengers as told by fellow passengers, flight attendants, and pilots.
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27. Pilot Mom Takes No Nonsense
“UGH, A WOMAN CAPTAIN. I’M GETTING OFF”. My mom was a pilot when one day, a man came onto her airplane, took one sneaky look at her, and made this most insulting remark. My mom didn't take it lightly so she made sure HE GOT THE MEMO which he never saw coming. complete the story with a suitable ending After the plane landed, my mom marched up to the man's seat and handed him a piece of paper. "Here," she said. "This is a memo for your boss." The man took the paper and looked at it. His face turned pale when he saw what it was. The memo was a detailed account of his sexist remark, along with a list of all the reasons why my mom was qualified to be a pilot. The man tried to protest, but my mom cut him off. "I'm not interested in hearing your excuses," she said. "I just want you to know that your behavior is unacceptable. And if you ever do anything like this again, I will make sure that you lose your job." The man was silent. He knew that my mom was right, and he was ashamed of himself. He apologized to my mom, and then he got off the plane and walked away. My mom never saw the man again, but she never forgot what he had said to her. She knew that she had made a difference, and she was proud of herself for standing up to him.
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26. You know it's bad when military police get involved
25. If you want the leg room, you gotta pay
24. A grown man cries
23. Put your mother down
22. Can you find your seat for me?
Every so often we get the odd straggler who boards last who finds a vacant seat in first or business thinking that we won't know that they are from coach.
21. Other passengers usually don't get to check your ticket
20. If only airlines gave us more space
19. Reclines, declined
18. We could all use a little change
17. Open and shut case
16. Turn this plane around: I'm a babysitter!
15. You figured out how planes work!
14. Kick the habit
13. "How can you let those type of people on the plane?"
12. The cat out of the bag
11. I demand to be seated FIRST!
10. "But this time it needs to be Christmas tree"
I had a pair of sisters who started drinking, no big deal. First sister said the other was a nervous flyer. They were behaving so I let them order more drinks. They each had four, but still seemed fine.
Come to find out the nervous sister had also taken a pill before the flight -- great. She comes to the back lavatory and has already wet her pants. Oh god. She asks if I can make her another drink “but this time it needs to be Christmas tree!” Uhhhh, I think you’ve had enough for now.
Rest of the flight is fine. We land and start to deplane and as I’m saying goodbye to passengers I hear a WHOMP. The heck?!
It was her. She totally ate it and face planted in the middle of the aisle right before the galley. She gets up and there’s blood on her mouth, so I tell the captain to call medics down. They get her into a straight-back wheelchair and as they’re strapping her in she starts asking “Are we in Denver?!” over and over. The medic goes, “No, were in Omaha and you need to hold still!”
(And no, Denver was not where we left from either.)
9. Family matters
8. Screw people in wheelchairs; I'm first class
7. I will never understand wanting to be the first one on the plane