No one is really 100% sure what our dreams mean -- if they even mean anything at all. Personally, I think they're just all the leftover thoughts in our psyche giving expression to themselves before vanishing.
The random nature of our dreams shows itself even more clearly when we speak in our sleep!
The people below took to the internet to share their funniest 'sleep talker' stories. Now get me that shovel so we can go to the ball!
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash
45. Book worms, presumably
44. Stress dreams are the worst
43. Welcome to the show
42. Light the way home
41. She sounds delicious
Roommate in college: "Nooo... Get her off me... Too much blubber... (long pause) ...Smells like an enchilada..."
40. Making dad jokes in his sleep
39. Sleeper agent
38. Where's the money?!
37. Pillow fight
36. Veteran of the colander war
35. Sleeping dogs lie
34. The giggler
33. A little fishy
32. Burn the spreadsheets
31. Nobody puts baby in a corner
30. Muahahahaha
29. The convincing ones are scary
28. Mean bosses
27. Imaginary side women
26. Midnight decapitation
25. Zzzzzzz
24. Unconscious pranking
23. Counting sheep
22. I have to do everything around here...
21. All about that life insurance
20. Not so funny now
19. The soup thing
18. I can hold it
17. Sandra Bullock over here
16. I am the spring berry
15. That's soooo weird
I overheard my wife accurately recite my social security number aloud whilst sleeping. When I told her about it the next morning she said I had to have been making that up, as she definitely does not know my social security number. I didn't believe her and made her swear to me and on our marriage that she wasn't lying, and she said that if someone was pointing a gun to my head and that he would pull the trigger unless she accurately recited my social security number, she'd tell me she loved me and that she'd remember me fondly once I died. It was the oddest thing.
14. Mices are nices
13. Horror movie kid
Photo by samer daboul from Pexels