We all have those memories that keep us up at night: things we did when we were younger that still make us cringe. Since none of us has a time machine, we may as well learn to live with the shame our past selves have stuck us with. In that spirit, these folks from all around the world went online to share the cringiest things they did when they were kids. From kindergarten to high school... the cringe is real.
62. Welcome to parenthood
When I was growing up, my dad grounded me and I spent over an hour making an elaborate drawing with markers that said "I HATE YOU." He actually found it hilarious and kept it. He then presented it to me when I was 24 and pregnant with my first child.
61. Chuck this guy out
60. Please meet... her
59. Near, far, wherever you are
58. I'll walk it off, coach
57. My love poem for the guys in the air force
56. Unholy rollers
When I was about 5 years old I pooped in the ocean on a crowded beach and watched in horror as the lumps floated and then washed ashore, gently rolling in and out with the waves. Just rolling, rolling, rolling...
55. She wasn't cheering
I put a love poem in a cheerleader’s locker in junior high that I had a huge crush on. Can't really remember how I got it in there or what it said, but I do remember I rhymed something about a cheetah with ewwww fajita.
Everyone knew about that poem for the rest of junior high and high school. I was that guy.
54. Leather jacket club
I bought a second-hand red leather jacket and used to wear it with an Hawaiian shirt thinking I looked like Brad Pitt in fight club. I got scabies from it.
Yeah. For real. I also put the lotion to treat the scabies on my balls. Which resulted in me sitting with my balls in a bowl of ice water. The first rule of leather jacket club? Don't catch a parasite and set fire to your junk.
53. That sounds so dangerous
52. The booger man
51. Good thing the Bunsen burners weren't on
50. The moon walker
49. The thing with the toes
48. The lamest fashion show of all time
47. Slap bass, not butts
46. I mean... dogs drink it?
45. The lunch time bandit
44. Couldn't even spell her name right
43. In case you were curious about my diet...
42. Is there something in that bag for me?
41. That's pretty heartbreaking
40. Take the shot
39. Rocks that float
38. I know where you live, so... date me?
37. Can I do a dare instead?
36. I'm a big kid now
35. Marking your territory
34. International child of mystery
33. Always blame the dog
32. Kids are listening
31. The Mile High Club
30. That's how they do it in France
29. Kids have no empathy
28. No hug is ever wrong
26. If you had a time machine...
25. Anything would be better than this
24. Be careful who you scare
23. Mom becomes the Hulk
22. Maybe do some research first
21. Do not pass GO
20. You got the hide but without the seek
19. Gosh that's awkward
18. My worst nightmare of a teenage date
17. The old flip the mattress trick
16. The Nice Girl look
15. Do we not all have maids?
I already had the reputation for being the clueless foreigner in that school, so everyone was chill about it and a few people told me why you don't say stuff like that. Every time I moved to a new school, I had to work on convincing people I don't mean to be a snob, I just grew up in a radically different environment and have a warped sense of what's normal.
14. Kiss the girl
13. Musical chairs
12. Okay, this is hands down the worst one
Okay. You know those old Electrolux, rolling vacuum cleaners? I discovered that by laying on top with a pillow underneath and sticking myself just barely in the hole. I wasn't full grown at the time so it still fit.
Anyway, you can imagine this was a pretty loud thing to do. So I was alone in the house one afternoon and no one was supposed to be home for a couple hours and I figured I'd put on a tape (VCR at the time) and have my way with Electro. Midway, the den door opens and there stands my mom, little brother, little sister, and my best friend's little sister, all staring at me with expressions ranging from horror (mom) to amusement (sister and friend) to interest (brother).
I jumped up and ran through the other door and down to my room, leaving the tape running. My room had a door to the outside so I put on some clothes and bailed. My step dad tracked me down a few hours later and tried to make me feel better by telling me a story of how he got caught when he was a kid. That just added to the awkward.
Eventually I made it home and from everyone's expression I could tell that they had been lectured to never mention it again. That didn't happen but luckily we all went to different schools and no one who wasn't there could believe such a crazy story.
11. Accidental air dry
10. The big tough biker diva
9. Invisibility blinds
8. Who wears short shorts?
7. That poor tightrope walker
6. I'd rather drown
5. A joke that ruined a family
4. The classic nightmare of going to school with no pants
Boy do I have an embarrassing story... in elementary school for gym, we were playing sharks and life guards with that huge parachute circle thing that was the source of all happiness in elementary school. Something like 5 sharks were inside the parachute to start and the rest of the class, except for a few “lifeguards”, were along the circle with their legs and feet inside the parachute. Then when the game started, the sharks tried to sneak up and grab your legs and pull you into the parachute. If you were lucky enough, one of the lifeguards would come and pull from the outside of the parachute to save you.
Anyways now that you know what the game is about, now I can tell my story.
I was on the outside with of the parachute hoping I wouldn’t get sucked into the parachute when some person comes along and instead of grabbing my legs or my feet grabs my shorts and proceeds to pull me in as hard as possible, so I yell for a lifeguard. The lifeguard comes over and tries to pull me back from being pulled into the parachute. Meanwhile I’m there, defenseless, with both of my arms being used to pull me out, both of my legs being pulled inward toward the parachute.
To this day I still have no clue who was under the parachute, but whoever it was, they pulled my shorts right off and took them into the parachute not to be seen for what seemed like an eternity. Meanwhile the lifeguard was still pulling so when my shorts flew off, I got instantly pulled out of the parachute in front of my whole class. I was sitting out in the open with my tiny underwear for all to see with my shorts nowhere in sight.
I’m probably the only one who still remembers this, but it’s still pretty embarrassing to me to this day...
3. Lady bug, but no lady
2. Cringey romantic fiction
1. These toys aren't for playing with